We are celebrating the opening of the second standing Love Peace Harmony Field in a hospital, at the Croydon University Hospital in London, UK. The Love Peace Harmony Field, composed of the Love Peace Harmony calligraphies, and our Love Peace Harmony song, carries a high vibrational field, which is set up permanently in a designated space in the hospital, serving and supporting their staff, doctors, nurses, and other health professionals.
Our health professionals need as much support as possible right now, with the many intense factors that they deal with every day on the job and in their remarkable service of saving lives. With the Love Peace Harmony Field, many are experiencing positive changes such as stress reduction, calmness, peace, and a boost in overall happiness and energy levels.
The designated space at Croydon University Hospital has been created through the efforts of Love Peace Harmony Foundation volunteer Dr. Mark Tan, who is on staff at Croydon U Hospital, along with the support of several other LPHF volunteers working at a global level, including Dr. Tanja and Dr. Pauline Quimson.
This is the first physical space to be created by the INNOVATE Health & Wellness community – a community which was created out of the INNOVATE summit for healthcare professionals, held in October 2023 – to fill the need to support the many health professionals who attended the summit, which had over 250 people registered. It featured many health professionals with innovative practices as guest speakers, and gave attendees the opportunity to participate in Love Peace Harmony sessions. This active community plans to hold further events for health professionals, in addition to events for the general public. It was organized by the founding members: Dr. Robert & Dr. Maike Wittman, Dr. Mark Tan, Dr. Pauline Quimson, Dr. Tanja, Winnie Wang & Porsche Ing.
Since the summit, the volunteer team has been holding between 1 and 3 Love Peace Harmony sessions weekly online for the Croydon University Hospital health professional community, at different times of day to accommodate the hospital staff’s different shifts.
In early 2024, the community had the opportunity to put down roots in a physical location, with the opening of a designated space for the Love Peace Harmony Field in the Croydon University Hospital, pioneered by Dr. Mark Tan. The Field helps to support their staff to transform the challenges they experience in their daily work, including stress, burn out, exhaustion, the effects of vicarious trauma, unbalanced emotions, and to help bring balance to themselves so that they, in turn, can help more people.
Dr. Mark keeps a notebook in the room so that participants can record their experiences, and his colleagues are now coming up to him during the work day and sharing their positive transformations.
Some of Dr. Mark’s colleagues share about the difference the LPH Field is making at their hospital:
“The meditation sessions are calming and restful, much needed after grueling shifts at work. The coordinators harness the benefits of sound to stimulate peace and calm, which in turn facilitates rest and transformation within – way more beneficial than medication (for transforming my insomnia).” – Dr. Min Hui.
“I have been listening to the Love Peace Harmony song for a few days, and it’s changing me a lot. I am very peaceful, positive, and calm. This is good for me.” – Nurse Latha.
“As a beginner in meditation, I am catching up really well. Looking forward to more sessions like this.” – Dr. Sioban.
Dr. Divya shares with Dr. Mark that she loves the Love Peace Harmony song in Mandarin.
Dr. Samina meditated for 20 minutes early in the morning in the Field, and shares that she felt the difference, and felt so happy afterward.
Nurse Latha shares that she has been playing the Love Peace Harmony song at work and at home, and has felt the shift within herself.
Priti shares that she has her very own Love Peace Harmony calligraphy card which Dr. Mark showed her how to practice with, so that she can continue the experience at home.
We express gratitude to Dr. Mark for his dedicated service in the ER and to all the hospital staff, as well as to the entire team who has helped support creating this important service to our health care professionals.
We hope for many more Love Peace Harmony Fields in medical facilities and that opportunities will open globally for greater mental, emotional, and physical health and wellness for everyone. The world truly needs more love, peace and harmony!