Our Love Peace Harmony community in Central Germany has been going for more than a decade and a half. 

Manfred Konrad, dedicated Love Peace Harmony Foundation volunteer, has been part of it since the beginning, and shares his experience, 

“Since 2007-2008, when Dr. & Master Sha, the founder of the Love Peace Harmony Foundation began coming to Germany for the first time, I have been serving Master Sha’s vision to bring Love Peace and Harmony to humanity and all souls.” 

In 2009, Dr. & Master Sha created the very first physical center for sharing Love Peace Harmony’s vision worldwide in Frankfurt, called the Love Peace Harmony Institute. 

This center’s activities included from the beginning regular Love Peace Harmony sessions. 

Manfred recalls, “Since that time, we have been sharing Love Peace and Harmony, and the expansion of its vision in Europe developed.” 

In 2015, the Center closed its physical doors, and the community members found themselves without a physical location. 

Undeterred, Manfred, along with another dedicated community member, Elisabeth Koch, both leading community forces in Frankfurt at that time, joined together to offer almost weekly meetings with Love Peace Harmony singing, calligraphy tracing, sharing the techniques and much more, renting affordable rooms here and there for these meetings, or meeting in publicly accessible parks when the weather was suitable. To these sessions were brought books, CDs and more.  

The desire of the community to have a permanent home for the meetings grew, and so in 2016 they banded together to raise money through monthly donations, according to individual possibilities, and by 2018, had raised enough money to rent a regular room, finding affordable premises in 60599 Frankfurt, Quirinstraße 4. 

To this day, through the power of the community’s donations, they have a place to call home. 

Manfred’s heart beats for the Love Peace Harmony community, leading weekly sessions, which dedicated community members have now begun leading as well.

The sessions are free and open to the public, taking place on Saturday mornings, followed by a community get-together. 

Manfred shares, “Love Peace Harmony is always a major component of these events, since I have the honor of having the LPH Field, the LPH calligraphies support these events.” 

Some other ways their community serves with Love Peace Harmony is by holding LPH field sessions for mothers and their children, including children with special needs. Monday-Friday their team holds daily 30-minute sessions on Zoom or by phone. 

Their neighboring LPH community in their fellow German city of Schwerin holds a 24-hour Love Peace Harmony session, which is the ‘LPH Channel for Europe’, where community members from all over Europe can participate in the field daily, experiencing its positive effects anytime, anywhere, even while having it playing in the background.