We previously shared about Love Peace Harmony volunteer Bev Pergl’s journey, the ways LPH has impacted her life, and how this has motivated her to dedicatedly give others the opportunity to discover Love Peace Harmony through holding regular sessions of her own. Now we’ll take a closer look at some of the amazing outreach and service that Bev and her community have been up to in Melbourne, Australia. 

During Christmastime, Bev’s group brings food donations and presents for outreach to the local Uniting Church for their ‘Food is Free’ pantry and fridge, which several of their members also volunteer for. 

In 2018, their larger Melbourne and Victoria group passionately participated in Love Peace Harmony’s Plant-A-Million project: 43 people committed to plant 100 plants each. Bev reports, “We had no funding, but joined existing land care projects and helped them. We planted 5,750 plants in Melbourne and throughout Victoria in less than a year. Raffles raised additional funds for smaller projects, and we distributed numerous Love Peace Harmony CDs.” 

During the 2020 wildfires on the East Coast of Australia, Bev coordinated workshops for her community to make cards to show their compassion for those affected by the fires. Children and parents came with others. The workshops opened with tracing the Love Peace Harmony calligraphies for 15 minutes. For many participants, this was their first time participating in a LPH session. The Love Peace Harmony song played throughout the workshop. Afterwards, the beautiful, heartfelt cards, carrying loving messages and images, were mailed out.  

One participant shared, “An opportunity to explore art techniques in a sacred and intuitive way, knowing that the cards would be gifted to community members devastated by loss, going to those affected by fires. So much joy participating in these workshops!”