Since 2016, Love Peace Harmony volunteer Bev Pergl has been on a journey of service in her community in Melbourne, Australia.
Bev shares, “Love, Peace and Harmony for my family is my dream. Initially I connected to Love Peace and Harmony when my world was completely upside down. My mother had her leg amputated at 90 and learnt to walk with a prosthesis. My sister had mental health issues and was my mother’s carer. I had separated from a 25-year marriage. My son had severe depression and was only eating 1 meal a day. I was producing a school production but experiencing trauma. I was desperate to find anything that would help create peace in my family. I may have first heard the Love Peace Harmony song around 2008. When I heard it could create calmness, if played 24/7, I was keen to try it! It definitely helped. Overtime, I developed a deeper connection and commitment to spread LPH. From 2016 to 2021 I helped organize events for LPH in Melbourne, including the September International Peace Day concert in Melbourne, in 2017. As my journey continued, I understood more deeply the power and significance of the LPH song and the calligraphies.”
In 2020, Bev received a set of Love Peace Harmony calligraphies to serve her regular group at the Belgrave Library, in the Dandenong Ranges, which grew in participants. The library staff generously support the group by promoting it in their regional libraries’ booklet, which covers 14 libraries.
There are around 20 participants who regularly attend or keep in contact, ranging in age from their 30’s to mid-70’s. The group is open to anyone who wants to participate, with new people attending often.
Bev additionally shares, “The students in my group sit in stillness at the end of each session… No one wants to go home. I encourage everyone to do whatever they can to create peace in their family, neighbourhood and beyond. One simple step they can do is playing the Love Peace Harmony Song on their phones, at low volume, anywhere, even out at the shops. I express my greatest appreciation for this journey and for the Love Peace and Harmony Foundation gifting these beautiful, simple tools to help humanity.”
Some of Bev’s participants share heart-touching stories of their personal transformations in her sessions: “My shoulder pain has been ongoing. Before the session in the Love Peace Harmony Field, the pain on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, was 3/10. During the session, I felt my shoulders move into a better position. My head felt more balanced on my spine. Healing went to the base of the spine and realigned my head.”
Another participant joined the LPH Field part way through the session, and still had a profound experience, “I wanted to thank you for the transformation I received from the Love Peace Harmony Field in your session yesterday. The nearly two-month-old pain in my heels (for which I had bought a new pair of special slippers) has completely gone. The pain in the soles of my feet & heels was so bad that I have been unable to walk or sleep properly the last few weeks (it has normally been up to 8/10). This just reaffirmed my faith in the Love Peace Harmony Field.”
Another participant shares, “Thank you Bev! Loved the session yesterday. I woke up with less pain in the head. Thank you for your services.”
Looking toward the future, we are hopeful for many more such transformations occurring for people around the world, thanks to the efforts of our amazing volunteers, like Bev, sharing their Love Peace Harmony Fields.