Love Peace Harmony volunteer Tom Hecker regularly travels 700 kilometers across his home country of Germany to visit his parents. Recently, Tom has been hosting sessions with the Love Peace Harmony Field at the retirement home where his father is living for the residents there.

After the very first session, the owner of the retirement home asked Tom if he could come back and do it again the very next day, expressing that she loved the meditation, and could feel the frequency & vibration of the Love Peace Harmony Field. 

Many of the people living at the retirement home have illnesses, and many of them are unable to communicate anymore, but nevertheless, Tom received positive feedback from several participants. Additionally, Tom shares, “I could feel that they all felt much better after the practice.” 

Afterward, Tom shared with his nieces about the sessions he had been hosting at the retirement home, and they were so inspired that it motivated them to do something good for the people living there as well. They created beautiful roses out of paper and handmade hearts as gifts for the residents, and at the next Love Peace Harmony session Tom hosted, every participant received their beautiful creations. This was a heart-touching experience for many.  

The owner of the retirement home said to Tom that in between his visits, she will play the Love Peace Harmony song several times a week for the seniors living there. 

Tom shares, “It is such a beautiful experience to serve there! Every time when I visit my parents, I will do one, two or three sessions there. It is so important to go to retirement homes. As I am experiencing with my father – to get old is not easy. It is not okay to bring our loved ones to these places and not to care for them anymore. These people need so much love to overcome their suffering! It was such a nice experience for me to take time to be with the people there, to take care of them, to laugh with them, to exchange love, joy and gratitude. Nowadays there is not enough time to take care of seniors, but they need as much attention as children do. They deserve to receive love from us, and this is what we can do with the Love Peace Harmony song and calligraphies: we can let them feel and receive the love, inner peace and harmony which is so much needed. Thank you!”