In February 2024, dedicated Love Peace Harmony volunteer Marc Timmers and his wife Marianne Plasmans organized a two-day event called The Day of Meaningfulness or ‘De Dag van de Zingeving’ in Antwerp, Belgium. 

The purpose of the event was to help people on their way to a better and happier life. 

Marc shares, “We invited healers of different modalities to share with people who are searching, asking the questions ‘Who am I? What are my talents? How can I become happier and healthier?’”  

The event was free to attend, and exhibitors from a wide and complementary range of healing modalities had booths in the central hall, and were also offering workshops to experience their various methods, running in parallel in other rooms, welcoming visitors with open arms and warm hearts. Some exhibitors also gave demos for a minimal fee, announced in advance, to cover their expenses. 

Marc shares the intention of the event, as well as the inspiration behind the name, “Meaning is the growth path to the purpose of our lives. ‘Who am I? What should I do to become happier and healthier? Which values ​​and standards are important to me?’ It is a personal and unique process, influenced by our environment and culture. It is finding a balance between our personal development, relationships, work, creativity and spiritual dimensions. It is a continuous process of deepening our own intimacy and exploring new possibilities and new connections. It is challenging ourselves to dare to show our true self and not live according to the expectations of others. It is not being afraid of change and knowing that it is an evolution of trial and error, from sharp, nagging pain to supreme ecstasy and happiness. It is… being human among people. In these challenging times, in the face of climate changes, wars, mass migration, many more people are looking for guidance and wisdom on the path to take to feel better about themselves. Hundreds of warm people in our beautiful city of Antwerp have already found their life purpose or essence and are helping others to experience this happiness. They often do this from the privacy of their own cocoon, and yet want to get out and serve more people. That’s the reason for this ‘Day of Meaningfulness’. On the one hand, we want to give seekers the opportunity to discover which method or approach makes them spontaneously happy and that resonates with their desires. On the other hand, we want to give healers, coaches and teachers the opportunity to share their knowledge, wisdom and life experience, to help others. The sole purpose of this day is to provide as many people as possible with answers to as many questions as possible about the meaning and purpose of their lives. If we all open ourselves to this, this connection will also create a more harmonious district, city, country… and world where everyone is valued for their unique talents.” 

The turnout was excellent. Their Love Peace Harmony booth alone was visited by 178 people over the course of the weekend.  

Additionally, Marc shares, “During the event we received a priceless gift: a lady who organizes a big Muslim event in Antwerp during Ramadan invited us to participate and sing together.”