Love Peace Harmony Field Facilitator Amadea Stefa has been serving a community of over 100 people with the Love Peace Harmony Field in the Albanian speaking countries in Europe, most of them in Albania and Kosovo. Amadea and her partner Martin Veigl serve in tandem with each of their own Love Peace Harmony Fields, one in the Albanian capital city of Tirana and one in Durres, an Albanian City on the Mediterranean Sea. A third Love Peace Harmony field is now serving in Kosovo, led by one of their community members turned Love Peace Harmony Field Facilitator, Blina Zubi.
There is ongoing interest and engagement in their service from local TV stations, which Amadea and Martin have been featured on over 20 times within the last year alone, sharing the wisdom, practice, and transformational field of love, peace and harmony. The biggest of these broadcasts so far was an evening show that reached 1.5 Million people on TV and social media, who witnessed Amadea sing together with the show’s orchestra, a truly amazing and first experience of its kind for our Love Peace Harmony Foundation.