In collaboration with Hui Mahi‘ai ‘Aina, the Love Peace Harmony Foundation held a 10-week program in Waimānalo, Hawai’i to support the houseless community. The program aimed to improve participants’ daily interactions by teaching Love, Peace, and Harmony. The group learned chanting, singing, calligraphy tracing, and practices for physical and emotional recovery.
Several LPHF Field Facilitators regularly visited, resulting in positive transformations for the students. At the end of the event, certificates and swag bags were presented to the students who had overcome homelessness, substance abuse, and trauma.
Malia Davidson, a LPHF volunteer from Maui, reminded participants of their role as stewards of the land and expressed love for one another. The teachers and volunteers shared messages of hope and gratitude, acknowledging the students as their own teachers. The experience was transformative and inspiring for all involved.
LPHF’s involvement at Hui Mahi‘ai ‘Aina is an ongoing effort to inspire residents by highlighting their innate beauty and potential to make the world more loving, peaceful, and harmonious, both within themselves and in their surroundings.
As the community continues to develop, they’re expanding their gardens and small home accommodations for those without housing, aiming to open their doors to more individuals. Additionally, there are plans to create a dedicated area for love, peace, and harmony, where people can find a peaceful and meditative space amidst the fields, promoting overall well-being. We eagerly anticipate the positive outcomes of this partnership.
Founder, Aunty Blanche