Toronto, Ontario – May 3, 2024 – For the second year in a row, the Love Peace Harmony Foundation team in Toronto, Canada proudly participated in Rosedale Heights School of the Arts’ Mental Health and Wellness Fair. This event is a key component of the school’s annual ‘Wellness Week,’ dedicated to promoting the mental health and overall well-being of its students.

Rosedale Heights School of the Arts is a distinguished Toronto high school with approximately 1,000 students and 55 staff members. Known for its strong emphasis on the arts alongside academic excellence, Rosedale Heights provides a nurturing environment that encourages creativity and self-expression. The Mental Health and Wellness Fair, held during Wellness Week, offered students a valuable opportunity to connect with local mental health and wellness service providers. The fair, hosted by guidance counselor Joanna Romani, took place in the school cafeteria, where students, accompanied by their teachers, rotated through various booths set up by these community agencies. 

Joanna shared the school’s vision for the event: “We hope that mental health and wellness will be front and center in our students’ minds this afternoon, and that they will learn something about mental health and about services available to them at times of need.”

The importance of youth mental wellness cannot be overstated. According to a study published by the Canadian Mental Health Association, mental health issues are increasingly prevalent among young people, with one in five youth in Canada experiencing a mental health challenge. Events like the Mental Health and Wellness Fair play a crucial role in providing students with the resources and support they need to navigate these challenges.

The Love Peace Harmony Foundation’s booth was a standout feature at the fair. Staffed by Love Peace Harmony team members: Zakota, Fiona, and Francesca, the booth was set up with the Love Peace Harmony Calligraphies standing behind and calligraphy writing water mats spread across 3 tables. As students arrived, they were naturally drawn to, and began eagerly participating in writing calligraphy on the disappearing-ink water paper. They took to it like a fish to water, naturally, given their artistic background, and many students demonstrated impressive technique and an innate talent for this transformative art form. 

The profound transformative impact was evident as many participants expressed their sensations of calmness or a deeper state of inner peace, some experiencing these benefits after just a few minutes of practicing the technique. Others seemed glued to it, remaining at the table for 30 minutes at a time. Some cycled back, again and again, after initially visiting the booth, finding themselves drawn again after circulating all the other displays. Still others remained at the booth for the entire period, which was as long as they were allowed to be in the cafeteria for the fair before their group rotated back to the classroom. 

“The students’ enthusiasm and the positive feedback we received were truly inspiring,” said Alexia Cito, Director of the Love Peace Harmony Foundation. “It was heartwarming to see the transformative effects of Love Peace Harmony’s techniques on these young minds.”

The involvement of the Love Peace Harmony Foundation at Rosedale Heights School of the Arts highlights the importance of youth wellness and the role of creative and meditative practices in promoting mental health. By offering students tools for inner peace and self-expression, the Foundation aims to support their emotional and psychological well-being.

The Mental Health and Wellness Fair at Rosedale Heights is a testament to the school’s commitment to its students’ holistic development, ensuring they have access to resources that promote their mental health. The Love Peace Harmony Foundation looks forward to continued collaboration with the school and other community organizations to further empower youth with tools to enhance their mental health and emotional well-being, and bring them into a greater state of love, peace, and harmony.

For more information about the Love Peace Harmony Foundation and upcoming events, visit Love Peace Harmony Foundation.