In the heart of Antwerp, Belgium, a public space steeped in history is undergoing a remarkable transformation. This symbolic place, the former “Peace Courthouse” in Borgerhout, is embracing a vibrant future for the community. Known for centuries as the Palace of Peace, it now has a new use, one that truly lives up to its name. Now known as BorGerHub, this public space has been revitalized into a community co-working environment and a haven for creative entrepreneurs. Within these historic walls, where disputes were once settled, a new kind of peace prevails—one centered around inner peace and emotional well-being.

BorGerHub has become more than just a community hub; it is a holistic space where individuals can nurture their emotional and mental well-being. Amidst the vibrant community initiatives taking place here, the Love Peace Harmony sessions, led by dedicated Love Peace Harmony Foundation volunteers Marc Timmers and his wife Marianne Plasmans, have further elevated this transformative space.

BorGerHub: A Community Renaissance

Located in Borgerhout, Antwerp, BorGerHub is a dynamic space that serves as a co-working environment for creative entrepreneurs and a center for various community activities. This historic building, once the site of legal adjudications, has been repurposed to foster creativity, collaboration, and community engagement. The transformation from a place of legal disputes to a center of community harmony reflects the broader revitalization efforts taking place in Antwerp.

Love Peace Harmony Sessions: A Path to Inner Peace

Marc Timmers and Marianne Plasmans have brought the Love Peace Harmony Foundation’s transformative practices to BorGerHub. These sessions are not merely about physical relaxation but focus on nurturing emotional and mental well-being. Participants engage in a combination of gentle Tai Chi movements, accompanied by the soothing frequencies of the Love Peace Harmony song, and the presence of the Love Peace Harmony calligraphies. They also participate in writing the calligraphies on special disappearing-ink paper, an experience that offers a unique meditative practice that helps participants achieve a deeper state of calm and inner peace.

The Impact of Love Peace Harmony Practices

The sessions at BorGerHub go beyond typical meditation. They offer demonstrations on the application of Love Peace Harmony techniques for general emotional and mental wellness. Participants learn how to integrate these practices into their daily lives, providing them with tools to manage stress, enhance their mental clarity, and experience a state of greater well-being.

A New Chapter for the Palace of Peace

The revival of the former Peace Courthouse into BorGerHub is symbolic of the ongoing efforts to create spaces that promote community well-being. The presence of Love Peace Harmony sessions within these historic walls brings the opportunity for the community to experience greater inner peace and spiritual growth. The historic significance of the building as a place of peace and resolution now extends to nurturing inner peace among its visitors.

Gratitude and Future Directions

The Love Peace Harmony Foundation extends its heartfelt gratitude to the community in Belgium for hosting these transformative sessions. The success of the BorGerHub initiative highlights the importance of integrating wellness practices into community spaces, providing a holistic approach to well-being.

“We are so grateful to our Love Peace Harmony community in Belgium for hosting these sessions,” said Alexia Cito, Director of the Love Peace Harmony Foundation. “The impact of these practices on the participants is truly inspiring. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with BorGerHub and other community centers around the world to promote love, peace, and harmony.”

For more information about the Love Peace Harmony Foundation and upcoming events, visit Love Peace Harmony Foundation.