April Aoki, a dedicated volunteer with the Love Peace Harmony Foundation (LPHF), is making a significant impact in the lives of neurodivergent youth through her weekly Love Peace Harmony Field sessions at the Compassionate Transformation Community Heart Empowered Youth Program in Pasadena, California. This initiative is designed to uplift and empower neurodivergent youth, creating a space where they can thrive and be their best selves.
The Compassionate Transformation Community Heart Empowered Youth Program is a safe place for neurodivergent children between the ages of 6 and 12. It aims to provide a sense of community, empowerment, and skill development, without being a diagnostic or treatment program. The program features classes tailored to neurodiverse kids, including those with conditions like autism and ADHD, as well as anyone who may feel “wired differently.” Initially, the classes were open to children in general, but the new sessions specifically target neurodivergent youth.
What makes this initiative unique is its inclusivity. Participants can join both in person and online through Zoom, ensuring accessibility to a wide range of children. The program offers a nurturing environment where children not only learn new skills but also receive coaching and encouragement to express compassion and form lifelong friendships through engaging and enjoyable activities.
April Aoki’s dedication to creating a space for neurodivergent youth to flourish is a testament to the transformative power of love, peace, and harmony in our communities. Her work exemplifies the values of the Love Peace Harmony Foundation, which seeks to promote unity, inclusivity, and empowerment for all. Through initiatives like the Love Peace Harmony Field sessions, we can create a more compassionate and understanding world for neurodivergent youth and their families.