The Love Peace Harmony Field, composed of the Love Peace Harmony calligraphies, and our Love, Peace and Harmony song, carries a high vibrational field, which serves and supports a hospital’s staff, doctors, nurses, and other health professionals.  

Healthcare professionals face many intense situations every day in their remarkable service of saving lives, and need all the support they can get. With the Love Peace Harmony Field, many are experiencing positive changes, such as stress reduction, greater calmness, peace, and a boost in overall happiness and energy levels. 

Love Peace Harmony Foundation collaborates with hospitals, senior care homes, and other healthcare facilities to integrate the Love Peace and Harmony Field into these environments. We support organizations in creating dedicated spaces within their facilities to serve and support their staff or patients, by providing the resources of the Love Peace Harmony Field, including the song and calligraphies. Our local volunteers work alongside an organizations’ onsite teams, to empower them through facilitating Love Peace Harmony sessions. The Foundation also offers training to any staff who wish to be empowered to lead Love Peace Harmony sessions themselves.

Additionally, the Foundation offers supportive materials such as cards, players, and other resources to both patients and staff. For example, our Love Peace Harmony volunteers who are also emergency care nurses often wear a Love Peace Harmony MP3 player while working to create a calming environment, and some hospitals may choose to play the song in public areas like waiting rooms and lobbies to create a peaceful space.

A Pioneering Initiative in France

The first Love Peace Harmony Field in a hospital was initiated by Sylvie Varin, a nurse at the Clinique Rive Gauche in Toulouse, France. 

Inspired by her personal transformation through the Love Peace Harmony Field, Sylvie was motivated to share these benefits with her colleagues.

In 2015 I experienced burnout due to numerous professional tasks and a family upheaval, and my body said ‘stop’. I could not do it any more. It took more than 2 years for me to get back on my feet, and a large part of my recovery is thanks to the benefits I received from the Love Peace Harmony Field, which also includes the transformation of my 7 years of chronic back pain. I wanted to help prevent my colleagues from going through what I had suffered, to act before it’s too late. I realized that my duty is to share the techniques that have benefited me so much with my fellow nurses and healthcare professionals, because often we do not take care of ourselves.” Sylvie shares.

Sylvie received this inspiration in 2021, while participating in a workshop with the Love Peace Harmony Field. She pursued training and became a Love Peace Harmony Foundation volunteer, receiving a set of Love Peace Harmony Calligraphies to serve her community with. Despite encountering initial challenges, Sylvie’s determination led to a breakthrough. By speaking from the heart to the director of the Clinique Rive Gauche, she received permission to offer well-being meditation sessions for the staff. The Operating Room manager and an anesthetist suggested ​​utilizing a vacant room on the operation floor, and the permanent Love Peace Harmony room was born. 

The first weekly Love Peace Harmony session was held on November 15, 2021. Then, due to positive feedback from staff, the management designated a room for the Love Peace Harmony Field to be set up in, permanently.

The room is now accessible 24/7 and is in continuous use by the staff, who have embraced it enthusiastically. Its success has been due to word of mouth.

The room is not only used by staff members: executives touring the facilities also visit this room dedicated to staff wellness, recognizing that well-being at work is as important as the image of the establishment. Given the global shortage of healthcare professionals, ensuring their well-being is more important than ever.

Sylvie reports, “I am very happy to see that these meditations are now flourishing in several corners of the world for medical and paramedical personnel. For me, I know how important it is that they have practical techniques to transform the negative effects received from vicarious trauma of the patients and their families, their colleagues, as well as feelings of distress and sometimes powerlessness to treat people. These techniques also act as a prevention method, by giving them a simple way to let go of what they are going through, and become peaceful in their own hearts, it does not carry through to conflicts with their families, their loved ones, or negatively affect their physical health. 

As an example, one of our staff members was not feeling well, he had just had a strong argument with a colleague, and had been having difficulty with his family over the weekend. I invited him to the Love Peace Harmony room, guiding him to practice with the Field for 10 minutes. He came out with a huge smile, and set back to his normal self, having greater peace of mind. Since then, there have been no further arguments with his colleague, and this conflict had been going on for 1 year. 

Another example is a young man who had recently returned to his part-time position was going through depression after he had received some shocking news. Due to this he also was exhibiting fatigue and loss of appetite. I recommended that he go into the Love Peace Harmony room and just breathe for a few minutes from time to time. He is much better now, regaining his smile and team spirit. 

A surgeon was going through a painful separation, and afraid of losing custody of these children. I invited him to practice with the Love Peace Harmony Field so that this separation passes as positively as possible. He reported the result was very positive for him and his children,” Sylvie shares.

The impact of the Love Peace Harmony Field is evident in the feedback shared by Sylvie’s colleagues. 

Several operating room nurses shared: “This room allows us to take a real break from our minds, even for 5 minutes.” 

“The serene and soothing atmosphere of the room is very pleasant to break away from our intense days.” 

Nurses Mélanie and Sandra join weekly sessions in the room, sharing the benefits they receive with their colleagues and inviting them to join. 

Melanie shares, “The words that come to me for my experience of the Love Peace Harmony sessions are serenity, calm, and to refocus on myself.”  

Sandra shares, “My experience in the field can be summarized as relaxation, hope, and emptiness.”  

Pascale experiences back pain doing her daily work, so she has been going to the Love Peace Harmony Field every day that she works, to experience the benefits. She shares, “In the Love Peace Harmony Field, I feel serenity, relief, and beauty.” 

Fanny, an anesthesiologist, practices daily with her Love Peace Harmony Calligraphy Card, and shares, “When I entered the Field I said to myself, ‘how beautiful this is!’. During the meditation I experience a feeling of well-being.” 

Isabelle recommends to anyone she works with, even surgeons, to take a break in the Love Peace Harmony Field, and shares, “The session clears the air around me, I let the music flow into my thoughts to feel the benefits of the positive energies, and feel the calling to trace the calligraphy. At the end of a session I feel more relaxed, peaceful and light.” 

The latest news is that the Love Peace Harmony room will change location within the Clinic to expand its service, now not only for the staff, but also for patients and their families. 

The Foundation remains committed to supporting healthcare professionals worldwide, providing them with tools to maintain and uplift their well-being, so that they, in turn, can help others more.