When we invest in a child's potential, we invest in the future of humanity.
Please Help Our Cause in Uganda by Donating for Beds for the Children
Help Save Childrens’ Lives by Giving Them Healthy Sleeping Conditions
Right now, the region that Masa and the children are living in is experiencing an outbreak of ebola as well as other waterborne diseases. Due to the poor living conditions, many children have caught illnesses, and in previous years, this has been fatal. There is a direct correlation between unhygienic living and sleeping conditions and mortality rates, with a reported 1.4 million deaths per year due to unhygienic living conditions.
Due to scarcity of resources, the children at Masa’s orphanage sleep on mattresses on the floor. During frequent torrential rainstorms, water often comes into their rooms and covers the floor, the mattresses get soaked, and so do the children, which leads to many children catching waterborne diseases, while the mattresses and bed sheets rot quickly and need to be replaced or else they become a health hazard. A solution is to have the mattresses raised off the floor on bed frames, allowing them to stay dry even when the rains wash through their sleeping areas. You can help by supporting our campaign for beds for the children.
All they need is:
A Triple Decker Bed Frame = $320 (our goal of $8,000 covers all 25 bed-frames needed)
A New Mattress = $25 (our goal of $1250 covers all 50 mattresses needed)
A Set of New Bedsheets = $6 (our goal of $120 covers all 60 bedsheet sets needed)Transportation = $250 covers transportation needed
Our total goal of $9,620 covers everything needed.
A donation as simple as the amount of a coffee can make a difference.
This could save lives. Be a part of the solution for these children at this critical time. Every donation can make a difference.

Watch our mission to help the youth and build a community of love in Uganda.
Meet Masa Fredrick, a dedicated Love Peace Harmony Foundation volunteer, who, at the age of 22 has taken on the incredible responsibility of caring for over 70 children along with his mother, Namutesi Esther, at Together We Love Ministry, an orphanage on the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda. Their vision is clear – to provide a better home and education for every child under their care.
The orphanage originated as a result of a civil war from 2016-2018, which took many lives and left many children without families intact to look after them. This included Masa and his mother, who lost their other relatives.
Their journey hasn't been an easy one, early on, they were often unable to get enough food, sometimes were only able to eat once a day and sometimes would even have to go for a day without eating at all. They would have to walk for miles to get safe drinking water. They would sleep on bare floors, without bug nets - which are often essential for preventing disease. They were once unable to afford to send the children to school. Rent was also a difficult challenge.
Recognizing the need in the community, and realizing many were living in hunger, Masa's mother formed Together We Love Ministry, with the goal of getting funds to feed and educate the local children and women who were affected by the war. As a child, Masa witnessed his mother working in people's gardens and homes to raise money to sustain the children and provide food for everyone. As he grew up, Masa began taking on more responsibility of running the orphanage alongside his mother.
Now, with funding, the children are able to all eat regular meals, they have water at home that is safe for drinking, they sleep on mattresses under bug nets, and are able to afford education for the children.
Masa and his mother's goal and vision is to raise enough money to afford their own land and house, and to be able to feed and provide for all the other local children who are in need.
Let's come together to support these children and improving the quality of their lives.
Together we can make a difference.
Together We Love.
Masa and his mother remained steadfast in their commitment to their community’s children. Their optimism and perseverance laid the foundation for the positive transformations that would follow.
Their orphanage requires ongoing support to ensure the children are all getting regular meals, and provided with education, as well as all the basic needs of everyday life, to not only maintain, but improve their quality of life.
Read on our news article when Masa first became an LPHF volunteer here.
Read our news article here about the children first receiving the Love Peace Harmony Field™, and how they are living the principle of Ubuntu - I Am Because We Are, in their everyday lives.