Veterinarian Serves Our Furry Friends with Amazing Results
MONTAÑITA, ECUADOR — Veterinarian Dr. Jenna Braulel is one of our volunteer heroes who is serving with the Love Peace Harmony Field™ in a very unique way. Dr. Jenna’s foundation runs monthly sterilization campaigns for animals in Ecuador. She has set up and had the Love Peace Harmony Field™ present for the past 2 campaigns, and something remarkable has happened: after each campaign the owners of the animals that were operated on reported that there were no postoperative complications, something nearly unheard of.
Jenna shares,
“It has been such a great success. My Canadian colleague agreed that the last 2 campaigns, in which we have used the Love Peace Harmony Field™, have been extremely successful, there have been no postop complications, and in 2 days 180 animals have been sterilized. For us, it’s crazy to not have any complications!”
We are grateful to Jenna for her amazing work, and look forward to sharing about how many more people are bringing the Love Peace Harmony Field™ to serve in unique and dynamic ways.